Thursday, March 31, 2011 0 comments

My Teacher, My Hero

                   Heroes are not like heroes that we all know who can fight many enemies, who can go to other places in just a snap of a finger and who have special powers. They are more than that.
                   There are so many heroes. Teachers are also heroes. They may not fight bad creatures but they have the ability to save lives by means of teaching students. They spend time in making a lesson plan. They share their knowledge to every student. It is hard to be a teacher. I know how teachers spend every second because my mother is also a teacher. They have their own family but they are also with the students in times of need. A teacher is like a hero because they don’t only teach us on our academic but they also teach us good morals. Just like a hero in the television who has special powers, they also teach us moral lessons. Our country is not only in the hands of our leader but also in the hands of our teachers. How does a leader become a leader if their teachers didn’t teach them? They are the ones who lack sleep during elections to guide the voters especially the senior citizen on how to vote. Being a teacher need to have patience. What I like best of a teacher is being patient because it is not easy for a teacher to be a mother/father of many children. A teacher should be hardworking and responsible of their job. They cannot make the lesson plan and some apparatus for teaching if they are not hardworking.
                     Students cannot stay only with one teacher in her/his whole life but I know students are very thankful for the teachers who taught them. Big thanks for all the teachers and for those who taught me. I, myself salute all teachers especially my mother whom I love very much.                     

Changing Everything

                          Our world changes from time to time but sadly, it undergoes bad changes and needs good changes. There are many problems that we encounter every day. Changes start from each and everyone of us. Individually, we can change the world in many ways.
                         How could we change everything if you alone cannot change? There is a song of Michael Jackson where is very appropriate with this topic. It is entitled “Man in the Mirror”. There is a line in the song, “I'm starting with the man in the mirror. I'm asking him to change his ways.  And no message could have been any clearer. If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change.” It only means that changing the world should star from each of us. It shows that our life is very important because it can change everything for good.
                          If we can change ourselves then it is easy for us to change the society. We should encourage other people to change themselves for the better. Let us be a model to younger ones by showing them how to be a good citizen. We can do this in just a simple way just like throwing garbage in the proper place. I am sure that there are so many people who want changes. I, myself want to be a good citizen and I can make it by helping others in their works and for themselves.
                            We can make a better nation by being a good example to others. Helping each other to make our nation good is the best way to make it happen. Cleanliness is not only the problem we are facing right now in our nation. There are so many problems like murders, kidnapping, killing and others. We can campaign for this.
                             If we can change those things then we could change this world. The main change is all about global warming. For us to help stop this problem, we should stop burning stuff especially plastics. Burning plastics can harm our world and little by little it is happening so we should stop burning plastics.
                             There is a saying “The only constant in this world is CHANGE.” We cannot avoid the changes in our life. We should move and make that change a good change.  

Thank You M'am


                 Basing on the event that is being presented in the story, the work can be considered as a good choice to read. In any event that a person may got involved between choosing good and evil, only that certain person have the right to exercise judgment. We might think that Mrs. Jones was wrong in her action. But the thing is it is her decision. And whatever the outcome of it may be a failure or a success it is her responsibility. In reading the selection about Thank you. Ma’am, you will think that Mrs. Jones did not do the right thing to do to Roger. But I was surprise because Mrs. Jones acts different to those people who experienced the happening. Instead of calling a police to prison the boy, she took care of the boy and nurtured the boy. Taking care of the boy after stealing a thing from you is not an effective treatment or punishment, but this selection shows that there is another way on how to teach a person from right and wrong. This article shows very beautiful attitude just like being kind, honest and understanding.    
                Actually in my opinion, any wrong doing of a person runs parallel to a certain penalty or punishment for what he has done. That is as far as the law of any organization or institution that is concerned. But when it comes to discipline anybody can go for a positive or negative approach it depends on the situation, choice of person being affected. In this aspect Mrs. Jones clearly embarked on disciplining the offender in a positive way. She see to it that the boy may be changed for the better not for hatred. It is widely considered knowledge that hatred begot hatred.
                Although there is a high risk that the boy may turned abusive, but the feeling that somebody is taking care of him understand him might help him to become a responsible person that can be trusted by anyone. There is a saying that everyone wants to change the world for the better, but nobody wants to change himself. This is might be thing that Mrs. Jones wants to happen. She might have wrong doings before but she was changed herself. And this is what she wants to become for the boy.
               The story is actually very inspiring. It shows the love for an enemy. Actually the boy is not an enemy but he is a gem that is needed to be polish and nurture to become a very good asset of society. Although the action of Mrs. Jones is very peculiar and surprising to consider, I was delighted to note that in this wild world of ours, there is still a person who consider positive approach in changing a person’s character and way of life.
               It just shows us how beautiful the world is that even in times of necessity there is someone who we can depend on. I am willing to introduce and share this reading on some people for them to know how beautiful the world is.